Case study
Property Investment App
Project Overview
We are in need of a way to track certain attributes of investment deals as part of an initial screen to determine if we want to do further due diligence or pass on the deal (pass meaning we are not interested). If the deal is passed, we would like to record the reason(s) for passing. We would like to start this project by focusing solely on Real Estate deals, with the intention of building the solution out further for other asset classes.
For Real Estate deals, some attributes may not be appropriate based on the type of property. If an attribute is not applicable to the property type selected, it should be hidden from the user in order to keep the form as clean as possible. Hidden fields should not take up space on the form. Also, there are certain attributes that are ”required”. The user should be able to easily identify these attributes, but leaving them blank should not prevent the record from being saved.



High fidelity Prototypes